French alphabet for beginners

After this lesson, you will know the french letters A – Z and some words starting with those letters.

The composition of the French alphabet

The French alphabet is made of 26 letters in the following order:
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x,
y and z.
There are two categories of letters in the french alphabet, there are :
6 vowels: a, e, i, o, u, y.

20 consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z.
Note: The vowels in the alphabet have accents. There are a total of 13 accented vowels in the french alphabet: à, â, é, è, ê, ë, î, ï, ô, ù, û, ü and ÿ.
Some words of the French language have a particular spelling. Indeed, the c can be written with a cedilla (ç) and there are two letter combinations: the a+e (æ ) and the o+e (œ).

How to pronounce french letters

Here is how to pronounce the letters of the French alphabet.
Note: Accents change the pronunciation of the “e” on which it is located:
– For the acute accent (‘), it is pronounced as a closed e.
– The grave accent (`) is pronounced as an open e.
In order to listen to the pronunciation of the 26 letters of the French letters of the French alphabet, don’t hesitate to consult the video below.

Learn the french alphabet !!

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

French Alphabet for beginners

french letter a

french alphabet avion
Un avion

french letter b

french alphabet un bol
Un bol

french letter c

french alphabet un chien
Un chien

french alphabet d

Un drapeau

french letter e

french letter un elephant
Un éléphant

french letter f

Une flûte

french letter g

french alphabet une gamelle
une gamelle

french letter h

french letter un hamster
Un hamster

french letter i

french letter un immeuble
Un immeuble

french letter j

french letter un journal
Un journal

french letter k

french letter un kangourou
Un kangourou

french letter l

french letter un lion
Un lion

french letter m

french letter une mongolfière
Une mongolfière

french letter n

french letter une noisette
Des noisettes

french letter o

french letter une orange
Une orange

french letter p

french letters un parapluie
Un parapluie

french letter q

french letters une question
Une question

french letter r

french letters un robot
Un robot

french letter s

french letter un scorpion
Un scorpion

french letter t

french letter une tortue
Une tortue

french letter u

french alphabet des ustensiles
Des ustensiles

french letter v

french letter une vache
Une vache

french letter w

french letter un wagon
Un Wagon

french letter x

french letter un xylophone
Un xylophone

french letter y

french letters un Yacht
Un yacht

french letter z

french letters un zèbre
Un zèbre

French exercise 1: practice the french alphabet

Your teacher will pick a picture and you have to say the french pronunciation corresponding.

french letter h

french letter l

french letter q

french letter r

french letter w

french letter y

French exercise 2: practice french words

Your teacher will pick a picture and you have to say the french names corresponding.

french letter une orange

french letters un parapluie


french letter un immeuble

french letter un hamster

french alphabet un chien

Answers to exercise 2

1. Un(e) orange (féminin)
2. Un(e) parapluie (féminin)
3. Un(e) flûte (féminin)
4. Un immeuble (masculin)
5. Un hamster (masculin)
6. Un chien (masculin)

Presented by Teacher Ilca

Teacher Ilca is a free service for French learners provided by Teacher Ilca. Although the french lesson materials can be used for self study, they are intended for use with a teacher. To book a lesson with one of our professional teachers, please visit Teacher Ilca