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TCF practice exam 1

This TCF practice exam 1 includes the following parts: structure of the language, listening and written comprehension. It will help you nail your exam !

TCF practice exam 1 : question 1-15 oral understanding

In this part of the TCF practice exam 1, you will listen to the 4 proposals. Choose the one that matches the image and click on the corresponding button. You will find below the transcript of each question and the answer to them.

Click on the link to start the TCF practice exam 1 : test d’entrainement au TCF

Question 1

French transcript

A: On fait une équipe de cinq ?
B: On joue ensemble ?
C: On regarde le match ?
D: On se lance le ballon ?

English translation

A: Let’s make a team of five.
B: Let’s play together.
C: Let’s watch the game.
D: Shall we pass each other the ball ?

The correct answer is B: On joue ensemble.

Question 2

French transcript

A: Avec les félicitations du jury.
B: Merci de votre compréhension.
C: Nos salutations distinguées.
D: Tous nos vœux de bonheurs.

English translation

A: With the congratulations of the jury.
B: Thank you for your understanding.
C: Our best wishes.
D: All the best.

The correct answer is A: Avec les félicitations du jury.

Question 3

French transcript

A: On a tout mangé. Il ne reste rien!
B: Les autres places sont déjà réservées.
C: je vous conseille celui-ci. Il est de la région.
D: Ne touchez pas la nourriture!

English translation

A: We ate everything. There is nothing left!
B: The other places are already booked.
C: I recommend you this one. It is from the region.
D: Don’t touch the food!

The correct answer is C: je vous conseille celui-ci. Il est de la région.

This test is based on the test of TV5monde for french learners

Presented by Teacher Ilca

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